Professional Evaluation
We’re happy to conduct a professional evaluation of your roads or pavement.
You’re also welcome to visit one of our job sites to see our quality treatments in action.
For more details, contact us at one of our office locations. Or, complete the form below.
Western Asphalt Products have a variety of applications
Seal Coats are treatments that provide effective pavement maintenance to all structurally sound roadways.
CA-90 is a specially formulated cold pour rubberized crack filler.
Microsurfacing is a thin cold-mix overlay used in the repair and preventative maintenance of roadways.
Cold In Place (CIP) Recycling was a new technology introduced in the early 1990’s in Ontario.
Fog sealing is generally a light application of spray applied slow set emulsion.
Tack Coat is a spray applied emulsion which provides a thin adhesive film of asphalt between existing road pavement and a new surfacing layer.
Dense-graded cold mixed asphalt can be an economical alternative to traditionally hot mixed asphalt, especially in areas where there is a long distance to the nearest hot mix plant.
Specialized Cutback Asphalt and Asphalt Emulsions can be used to create a concrete foundation water proofing.
Applying driveway sealer to an asphalt driveway will improve both aesthetics and lifespan of your asphalt driveway.
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