Western Asphalt Materials Testing Laboratory
Western Asphalt Products materials testing laboratory is an AASHTO AMRL Accredited Laboratory
Operating in accordance with the quality management requirements as outlined in AASHTO R-18¹. Western Asphalt offers clients access to comprehensive asphalt cement, cutbacks and emulsions testing services. In addition we also offer aggregate testing services as well as Micro Surfacing and Engineered Seal Coat Design.
Western Asphalt’s laboratory is capable of performing required testing of PG graded asphalt. Asphalt emulsions and cutback asphalts as may be required by municipal, county, provincial or state specifications. The Laboratory also boasts capabilities in the testing of aggregates. Western Asphalt’s Laboratory is capable of performing the following ASTM test procedures:
- ASTM D6930 – Settlement and Storage Stability
- ASTM D6933 – Sieve Test
- ASTM D6934 – Residue by Evaporation
- ASTM D6935 – Cement Mixing
- ASTM D6936 – Demulsibility
- ASTM D6997 – Residue by Distillation
- ASTM D6998 – Aggregate Coating
- ASTM D7496 – Saybolt Viscosity at 25°C and 50
- ASTM D6937 – Density of Emulsified Asphalt
- ASTM D6999 – Miscibility of Emulsified Asphalts
- ASTM D 2872 - Rolling Thin-Film Oven Test for Asphalt Binder.
- ASTM D 6521 - Aging of Asphalt Binder Using Pressurised Aging Vessel (PAV).
- ASTM D 7175 - Determining The Rheological Properties Of Asphalt Binder Using Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR).
- ASTM D 6648 - Determining The Flexural Creep Stiffness Of Asphalt Binder Using The Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR).
- ISSA TB-100 – Wet Track Abrasion of Slurry Surfacing Systems
- ISSA TB-109 – Excess Asphalt by Loaded Wheel and Sand Adhesion
- ISSA TB-113 – Determining Mix Time for Slurry Surfacing Systems
- ISSA TB-114 – Wet Stripping of Cured Slurry Surfacing Mixtures
- ISSA TB-139 – Set and Cure Development of Slurry by Cohesion Tester
- ISSA TB-144 – Classification of Micro-Surfacing Materials (SBR)
- ISSA TB-147 – Loaded Wheel Tester, Cold Mixes (LWT)
Micro-Surfacing Formulation
Micro-Surfacing projects rely heavily on an intimate aggregate-emulsion compatibility. Western Asphalt Products formulates aggregate specific mix designs through the use of standards as outlined by the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA). Western Asphalt Products is capable of performing the following mix design procedures:
Wet Track Abrasion of Slurry Surfaces
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 100
Measurement of Slurry Seal Consistency
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 106
Measurement of Excess Asphalt in Bituminous Mixtures by Use of a Loaded Wheel Tester and Sand Adhesion
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 109
Trial Mix Procedure for Slurry Design
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 113
Wet Stripping Test for Cured Slurry Seal Mix
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 114
Test Method to Classify Emulsified Asphalt/Aggregate Mixture Systems by Modified Cohesion Tester Measurement of Set and Cure Characteristics
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 139
Classification of Aggregate Filler-Bitumen Compatability by Schulze-Breuer and Ruck Procedures
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 144
Determination of Methylene Blue Adsorption Value (MBV) of Mineral Aggregate Fillers and Fines
- ISSA Technical Bulletin 145
Determination of Methylene Blue Adsorption Value (MBV) of Mineral Aggregate Fillers and Fines
Technical Bulletin 147
Third Party Referee Testing
We are committed to upholding ethical standards and providing timely results to assist your company in making informed decisions about any asphalt related products or resolving specification disputes. Our laboratory can serve as an unbiased third party for your testing needs and follows all regulations stipulated by AASHTO R18 and the Canadian provincial and territorial engineering code of ethics.
Aggregate Crushing Quality Control
In addition to asphalt testing services, we perform aggregate crushing quality control providing results in a timely manner to ensure that crushing operations are of the highest quality.
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Western Asphalt Products have a variety of applications
Seal Coats are treatments that provide effective pavement maintenance to all structurally sound roadways.
CA-90 is a specially formulated cold pour rubberized crack filler.
Microsurfacing is a thin cold-mix overlay used in the repair and preventative maintenance of roadways.
Cold In Place (CIP) Recycling was a new technology introduced in the early 1990’s in Ontario.
Fog sealing is generally a light application of spray applied slow set emulsion.
Tack Coat is a spray applied emulsion which provides a thin adhesive film of asphalt between existing road pavement and a new surfacing layer.
Dense-graded cold mixed asphalt can be an economical alternative to traditionally hot mixed asphalt, especially in areas where there is a long distance to the nearest hot mix plant.
Specialized Cutback Asphalt and Asphalt Emulsions can be used to create a concrete foundation water proofing.
Applying driveway sealer to an asphalt driveway will improve both aesthetics and lifespan of your asphalt driveway.
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